Monday, July 5, 2010

"Island Attitudes" by Island Frank (World Artist from Sarasota Bradenton, FL)

Be ready to be whisked away to a sunny tropical paradise as you listen to the wonderful collection of instrumental songs on the album, "Island Attitudes," by Frank Tuma. The splendid compositions that Tuma has created lets the audience feel as if they are enjoying the delights of the Caribbean and is an album that is ideal mood music. Opening up the CD the song, "I need to Dance the Merenque," leaves one with a feeling of fun and upbeat sensations as the vibrant sounds play with energy and enthusiasm. The warm and inviting syncopated beats on, "My Dream Island," complement the warm and charming melody. The nimble percussion on the song, "Love in the Moonlight," adds to the shimmering guitar that gracefully glides through the sensuous melody. "Island Attitudes," is an album that takes you to that magical bliss of tropical inspiration and is an endlessly enjoyable album.

-Diane and the Reviewer Team
Check out Island Frank's music on with link to purchase and links to popular sites